Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Ok, I'm going to try to post This a second time. The first time it deleted itself. Ok, here we go. First of all, thank you for visiting my blog.  I am assuming at This point that you are interested in the wonderful sport of paintball.  I hope This blog will one day serve as a great beginners guide.  To begin with, a little bit about me. I am a referee at a paintball park in Virginia. I am not just some person who randomly decided to create a blog. Ok, I admit, the idea did come randomly, but I do know what I'm talking about.  The financial outlook for getting into paintball isn't terrible, that being said, its not great either.  Just buying beginner equipment will cost you between $200 and $300 easily.  This figure does NOT include the immense cost of paint. Now I hope I didn't scare any new people away at This point, but its just a fact.  Therefore, I stand firm next to my next bit of advice: rent, rent, rent. Rentals are great for many reasons. The number one reason is it is cheaper. The second big reason is the try before you buy feature.  It sure does suck to buy $300 worth of equipment only to discover that you don't want to play or the equipment  is low quality and is falling apart.  This brings me to my next point, rentals are fixed by the park and if something goes wrong with it, the park will simply replace it and you're back on your way.  With you own equipment, if something goes wrong, you have to pay to have someone look at it, not including the cost of replacement parts.  Ok, as this is my first blog, I hope this sufficed as an introduction.  Next time, I'll talk about the basic supplies of the beginner paintballer and where to get them.  In the meantime, check out this ebook that is dirt cheap here.
Until next time,

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